Welcome to Alabama-One Weight Loss Clinic
With over 25 years of proven success, Alabama-One patients know they’ve come to the right place. Alabama-One provides you with diet plans and medications that have helped thousands of people lose and maintain their weight. At Alabama-One, our physicians and staff take pride in our program.


Personalized Plans

Amazing Results

Get Started
Alabama-One Weight Loss Clinic
We have a committed, knowledgeable staff that truly cares about the well-being of our patients. Each member of our staff takes their time with each patient to gather information and strategize to help them reach their goals. Our staff will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have with any medication, diets, exercise routines, etc.

Getting You in and out in 30 minutes or less.
We have a committed, knowledgeable staff that truly cares about the well-being of our patients. Each member of our staff takes their time with each patient to gather information and strategize to help them reach their goals. Our staff will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have with any medication, diets, exercise routines, etc.
What our Patients Are Saying
Contact Us
Mobile, AL
750 Downtowner Loop West,
Suite B Mobile, AL
Phone: 251-343-5115
Fax: 251-343-5699
Email: alonemeds@att.net
Brewton, AL
2099 Dougals Ave.
Brewton, AL
Phone: 251-809-2900
Fax: 251-809-2907
Email: alabamaone@att.net